Galgo Español

Galgo Español

The Galgo Español is a shy sighthound at first, but develops a close bond with its owner. It is quiet in the house, but shows its hunting instinct outside and fits in well with existing packs.

Content: Galgo Espanol

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Galgo Español - Profile

  • Character: Gentle, calm, reserved
  • Size: Large
  • Height: 62-70cm
  • Weight: 25-30 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Coat type: Short or medium-long
  • Color: All colors are allowed
  • Special features: Gentle, calm, greyhound-like, fast and elegant, elongated body, pronounced hunting instinct
  • FCI Group: Sighthounds

Galgo Español - Special characteristics

The Galgo Español not only shares its nature with other sighthounds, but also its characteristic appearance. Its long body and deep chest are distinctive features of this breed. The Galgo has a smooth transition between forehead and nose (barely pronounced stop) and a long, low-set tail that is often slightly curved at the end. Its neck has an oval cross-section and its ears are large and folded, similar to rose ears.Galgos come in a variety of colors and have two different coat variants. The smooth-haired Galgos have short fur with no undercoat, while the rough-haired Galgos have shaggy and hard hair up to 10 cm long.This breed is well suited to being kept in a pack, although keeping them alone is also possible. However, it is important to note that Galgos want to develop a close bond with their owners in order to orient themselves well. When they are in the company of another dog, they often find the security they need and are less dependent on their owners. The intelligent and curious Galgo is relatively easy to care for and train. A positive training method that does not involve pressure or excessive strictness leads to successful results with this breed.

Galgo Español - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The food for your Galgo Español should, above all, be of high quality and contain all the important nutrients. Whether you choose dry or wet food is entirely up to you. Of course, fresh water should always be available. To avoid weight problems, it is best to feed treats in moderation. You can also set aside a small amount of food from the daily ration. You can then feed this as a healthy snack throughout the day. The occasional feeding of chewing bones helps against dental problems caused by tartar.

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Galgo Español - Health and Care

The Galgo Español requires little grooming due to their short coat. Dental health should be monitored and eyes and ears should be checked regularly. Due to their long bodies, they should be protected in cold weather.

Galgo Español - The right accessories

The Galgo Español is a hunting dog and needs a lot of exercise. A securely fenced garden is ideal for free movement and retrieving. A well-fitting harness and leash are essential for walks. This sporty dog ​​can also be a great jogging or cycling companion. In cold months, he should wear a winter coat to avoid colds.

Galgo Español - Origin & History

The history of the Galgo goes back to the 6th century BC and has its origins with the Celts. When the Romans came to the region, the Galgo was given the name "Canis Gallicus," which means "Gallic dog." This later developed into the general term "Galgo" for greyhounds.The Galgo is considered a close relative of the Arabian Sloughi and the Podenco Ibicenco. In addition, it is an ancestor of the Greyhound , with which it was also crossed specifically for racing in the last century.Originally bred for hunting, the Galgo is still used today to hunt hares and wild boar. It is characterized by its impressive speed of 60-65 km/h and its enormous agility.

Galgo Español - Conclusion

The Galgo is a hardy and fast hunting dog that needs a lot of exercise and space. Their short coat is easy to care for, but requires occasional brushing. Special attention should be paid to their dental health. This dog is a great companion for active people and can be well used for sporting activities.

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