Entlebucher Sennenhund

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

The Entlebucher Mountain Dog, the fourth breed of mountain dog, is an extremely active dog in a small format. With its incredible energy, loyalty and playful nature, it is the perfect companion for people who like to be active.

Content: Entlebucher Mountain Dog

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Entlebucher Mountain Dog - Profile

  • Character: Loyal, intelligent, energetic
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 42-50cm
  • Weight: 20-30 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8-12 years
  • Coat type: Short, dense
  • Colour: Mainly black with rust and white markings
  • Special features: The smallest of the four Swiss Mountain Dogs, known for its agility and loyalty
  • FCI Group: Pinschers and Schnauzers

Entlebucher Mountain Dog - Special Characteristics

The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is from the FCI officially recognized and belongs to Group 2, which also includes Molossoids, Pinschers and Schnauzers, like the other Swiss Mountain Dogs. Among these, it is the lightest and smallest representative, with the males generally between 44 and 52 centimeters tall and the females only slightly smaller.Like its Mountain Dog relatives, the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is characterized by its tri-colored coat, which is mainly black, while markings on the belly, legs and head are permitted. In breeding, care is taken to ensure that the coloring is as symmetrical as possible, with the two brown patches above the eyes being particularly noticeable and giving the dog a friendly facial expression. It also has characteristically wide floppy ears and its coat is stock-haired, which corresponds to the original type.Although the Entlebucher Mountain Dog has comparatively short legs, it has a long torso, which in no way restricts its need for movement. It reaches impressive speeds and is extremely agile, which is due to its historical role as a shepherd dog. Today, this versatility makes it an ideal companion for activities such as jogging, Frisbee and dog sports. The most important thing for him is to have a task that he performs with exuberant energy and perseverance, always with the aim of bringing joy to his owner.The Entlebucher Mountain Dog's bond with his caregiver and family is very close, but he can be shy around strangers and often expresses this by barking. This makes him a good guard dog, but should not be kept in a kennel. He usually gets along quite well with cats , but caution should be taken with young children, as his lively nature means he needs clear boundaries. Due to his high intelligence, he can also be used as a companion dog or trained for tasks such as disaster relief, but may be less suitable for beginners due to his liveliness. The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is also known for his sensitivity, and mistakes in training can be difficult to correct. However, once the dog’s trust has been gained, it proves to be a loyal companion. The life expectancy of this The average lifespan of a dog breed is between 8 and 10 years, but with the right disposition and good care it can be 12 years or more. A notable feature of the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is the possible variation in terms of the tail. About ten percent of puppies are born with a stumpy tail, which is due to an inherited genetic defect and is selectively treated in breeding.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

Diet plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of an Entlebucher Mountain Dog. When you get a puppy , it is best to stick with the breeder's food at first. This should also apply if your dog is already an adult. A gradual transition to new food is gentler on the dog's stomach.During puppyhood, the food provided by the breeder is usually the best option, as the breeder knows from years of experience what a young Entlebucher Mountain Dog needs. As a rule of thumb, you should be careful with protein during growth, as an excess can excessively accelerate growth and lead to problems with the bones later on.For adult Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, a meat-based diet is usually best, as they are carnivores by nature. Vegetables and rice can serve as nutritional supplements. Dry food is also an option, but careful attention should be paid to the ingredients. Excessive amounts of flavor enhancers and especially grains can have a negative effect.If your dog is overweight or underweight, it is advisable to discuss the diet with the vet. The vet is best placed to assess how various factors such as age and activity level affect your dog's nutritional needs.

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Entlebucher Mountain Dog - Health and Care

Caring for your Entlebucher Mountain Dog's short coat is straightforward and only requires occasional brushing to remove loose hair. However, it is much more important to ensure that your dog gets enough exercise. He should be given the opportunity to let off steam at least once a day. He also needs space and activity during his rest time. It is worth noting that the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is a rather rare breed of dog, which makes him special. However, the small population also brings with it certain risks. Due to the relatively limited gene pool, some hereditary diseases can occur in this breed, including hip dysplasia and knee problems, despite being a medium-sized dog. It is especially important to have your dog's eyes checked regularly, as diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma can occur, which can be genetic. Therefore, choose your puppy carefully, and favor dogs with genetic health over external characteristics. A dog with slight color variations in the coat can often be healthier than one with a perfect coat color but genetic predispositions. A genetically healthy Entlebucher Mountain Dog will typically have a longer life expectancy. Regular vet visits are also crucial. Health tests can be performed as early as puppyhood to identify potential problems early. If problems arise, always discuss the best course of action with your vet.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog - The right accessories

Of course, your Entlebucher Mountain Dog will need the basic equipment such as a food bowl, dog leash and collar. What additional accessories you need for your dog depends on what activities you plan to do with him.If you want to do agility with your dog, you will need obstacles to practice on. You can buy these or make them yourself. A sufficiently large training area or a club ground is also an advantage. For other activities such as tracking, dog treats are enough to motivate your dog in the beginning. However, you can teach your Entlebucher Mountain Dog many other things because he is intelligent and willing to learn. However, the most important accessories you can offer your dog is your time and attention. This is crucial to building a strong bond and teaching your dog the desired behavior.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog - Origin & History

The Entlebucher Sennenhund, like all Swiss Sennenhunds, has its origins in the Swiss Alps, more precisely in the valleys around the rivers Entlen, Kleine and Große Emme. Until the beginning of the last century, however, there was no distinction between Sennenhunds, neither in terms of size nor weight.Originally, these dogs had the task of accompanying the Sennenhunds. They helped the Sennenhunds to protect the herds and, above all, to drive them from one pasture to the next. But there were also changes in their appearance. Old illustrations indicate that Sennenhunds were mainly white in the 19th century. Later efforts to breed for specific colors led to the genetic problems in the dogs described above.The official breeding history of the Entlebucher Sennenhund began in 1926, after initial attempts during the First World War. At first, breeding development was very slow. However, there were setbacks during the Second World War. After that, however, the breed was able to establish itself. Today, the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is the second most common breed of mountain dog after the Bernese Mountain Dog. However, it is still a rare breed compared to its famous relative. The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is now common in Europe, especially in German-speaking countries, and occasionally found in America. There are also increased efforts to crossbreed other dog breeds in order to reduce the genetic problems caused by the limited gene pool. These efforts seem to be successful, as the breed's life expectancy has increased.All in all, chances are good that you will find a loyal companion in an Entlebucher Mountain Dog to support you in all your endeavors.


The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is a hardy and active dog from the Swiss Alps. Grooming his short coat is easy, but it is important to watch for genetic health problems such as hip dysplasia and eye conditions. This breed needs plenty of exercise and space to play. Good preparation and grooming are crucial to maintaining the health of this rare dog.

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